Change My Heart O God

There is a instance in the dialogue between the prophet Samuel and the newly appointed King Saul concerning what would be for the Lord’s chosen vessel.  Samuel said, ‘The Spirit of the Lord will come upon you mightly and you shall prophecy, and you shall be changed into another man.  The word states in 1 Samuel 10:9, after being told he must wait, ‘God changed Saul’s heart in one day’.  The point is that in one instant God with one thought, one word can powerfully change your heart to His.  The question for you today as was always with Saul is this; will you serve God under His distinct annointing which can loose your tongue and change your life?  Today I am impressioned with the simple little song which says, “Change my heart O God, make more like you….” So great is His influence He can change your heart today!  A friend recently shared a letter written by Corrie Ten Boom in which she declares strength for every believer in these days by saying each must find their own Pentecost and be endued with power for what comes on the whole world.  Will you get yourself still before the Lord today and let Him inspire and create in you a clean heart filling your life with His power and purpose?  You are His Ambassador–but only with the changes He can make in your heart–today!

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