The Gift of God

John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world he gave His only son….” His love inspires our giving in this season, and we want you to know how much He loves you! The truth is, none of us would know love except for God’s generous gift of Jesus Christ His son.” 1Jn 1:9, says, “We love because He first loved us.” We ask you to receive the gift of God- knowing His desire is for us to belong in His great family. The Bible says in John 1:12; “But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become sons of God, even to them that believe on his name..”   God loves you, and He’s asking you to believe on the name of His dear Son, Jesus.  As the Bible says in Acts 16:31; “believe on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and thou will be saved, and thy house.” Reach out to him and receive the love He has for you, it’s a free and generous gift to everyone who asks! A simple prayer of invitation changes everything from darkness to light and ushers in the presence of His Holy Spirit to lead us, so we are not alone. Pray in this way: ‘Lord I confess my sins, my faults and failures. I believe You have the power to save me from falling. Please change my life, and make me Your family. I invite you into my heart to live and make your presence known, and I ask for Your Holy Spirit to help me live in peace with You.’ –Amen

Lead Me to the Rock

Psalm 61:1-4

O God, listen to my cry! Hear my prayer!

From the ends of the earth,I cry to you for help when my heart is overwhelmed. Lead me to the towering rock of safety,

for you are my safe refuge,a fortress where my enemies cannot reach me.

Let me live forever in your sanctuary,safe beneath the shelter of your wings!

…In the place of overwhelming difficulty We have this word as an anchor to remind us we can be lead to a place the enemy cannot reach! Our cries are the place of heavenly access… We like David, may feel a long way off from that safety, but it’s placed within our reach when we pray!

In Christ Alone

This morning we heard a word about an enemy who has a plan to engage us in a battle. It’s a battle of entanglement to dishearten us from our weapons and the authority that is ours. However, we heard a word about God as our maintainer and our provider. He does not deal in confusion, but in the position of truth. His provision comes as the living word of truth which he watches over to perform wonders. We heard a word that says God is all sufficient and he works at the place of our surrender. We heard a word that says our God in Christ left us a pattern that we should follow, so that at the pattern of the cross we posture ourselves for success not failure. It is a posture of humility by which he will perform wonders before our very eyes. Today he would say, do not be afraid, and do not listen to the voice of the adversary who would discourage your Faith in Christ alone! When you speak those words “In Christ Alone” you make a bold declaration of surrender about who you’re going to trust. By assuming this posture, you will be speaking forth a prayer of great release. Today, let him release you from the fear, let him release you from the things that keep you from realizing what only He is able to produce! I was impressed this week with something someone had given me to read. It revealed a long forgotten story of a man in New York City, who in 1857 called a meeting to gather people with him to pray. In that prayer meeting only six people showed up. Rather than be discouraged by what may have seemed to some as a failed attempt, they would continue to meet weekly for the purpose of prayer. It would be that within the next year, the Spirit of God would move on upwards of 10,000 people to meet daily in churches all over the city to pray. As a result of a little prayer meeting, it is estimated that 1 million people came to faith in Christ during the course of the next year. There are greater things to be had when we pray in agreement with the Spirit of God. Today, find the authority that belongs to you in Christ and never underestimate the power when His saints pray in faith.

“Are You Saved”

images“Are you saved?” I can remember as child a Baptist preacher saying every week without fail the words; ‘Are You saved?’ I believe those 3 words are possibly Baptist’s greatest contribution to the faith. You may know a lot about Him, but do you know Him? If there is no grieving or sorrow over your sinful condition…no witness of the Spirit, then you don’t know Him. For Jesus to truly save you, you must believe you are drowning and in need of saving—otherwise the broken cry for a savior is not heard and He cannot save. It is a matter of need…do you need Him? Do you see your very real need of His love and forgiveness? Or, do you see yourself ‘pretty good’– never considering that one sin…it’s rebellion like witchcraft that has you under a spell of deception never considering yourself that bad; it is your only weak link, but it is powerful enough to destroy your whole life with that one unredeemed failure. I see God is not mocked and sin must be atoned for. What are you doing and where are you taking your sin for atonement? Because what He takes, He covers–what He covers, He redeems, what He redeems He changes, and what He changes He keeps for Himself with a movement of the Spirit that directs my steps to increase as His disciple and witness. So, I ask you again, “Are You Saved…Are You Really Saved?”